Company’s values
blogDecember 10, 2019

Company’s values

A step by step process for OceanoBe Team with the help of FeedbackStreet

Article presentation
Team gathering in a cozy place

How it all began

Much has been said about company culture and values, and of course here at OceanoBe  we believe that our internal “affairs” are as important as our connections with our partners, if not more important. Our colleagues, or friends as we approach it, have always been our main focus and the success of our projects and organization is due to their effort and motivation.

So far we have relied on our organic company culture, always knowing what's best but not having an open statement. So this august we decided it is time to put things in writing. We embarked on a journey to discover 5 company values and 1 dealbreaker, here is how we planned it.

We embarked on a journey to discover 5 company values and 1 dealbreaker, here is how we planned it.

The challenge

From the beginning, we knew that we had to have a very user-friendly tool that will help us along the way. Naturally, we relied on this mission on FeedbackStreet.

For those of you who don’t know the platform, we can tell you that it is built on SAAS model and is helping companies and individuals to collect data from their target audience with the goal of harnessing the power of their insights for the business and individual success.

What we did:

  • We gave each team member a list of 80 values to choose from and the possibility to add on if they felt something was missing.
  • Each team member had to select 5 values, these are the most important for them, and having them respected at the workplace brings them the most satisfaction and joy.
  • The hard part - selecting 1 additional word, the dealbreaker. Not having this condition met in OceanoBe will mean for him or her it’s time to change boats.
  • Having a blast discovering the results :)

The How

With the help of the FeedbackStreet App we created an email campaign that allowed us to send to each of our colleagues a form containing the two topics.


FeedbackStreet not only helped us collect the data in real-time but also provided us with the much-needed timely insights and swift data analysis via elegant and easy-to-understand graphics.


Results and data analysis

  • Our team members, here at OceanoBe, filled the form sent via FeedbackStreet and the results were as follows:
  • 31 respondents filled the form;
  • 44 out of the 84 values were selected for the top 5 values;
  • The top 3 values selected are:Freedom To Innovate, Friendship / Openness / Constructive feedback, Learning or Growth;
  • 18 different deal breakers were selected.

The road is clear now

Sailing out in this adventure we obviously had some idea of what will unfold and as it turns out, the results were more than revealing.

Turns out that, in equal measure, having a friendly and open environment together with the freedom to innovate are the most important values for OceanoBe team members. Meanwhile, the deal-breaker is having a great workplace for learning and growth. Working in a company where the team members are very driven and always looking for new ways to innovate, this result was in some ways expected. OceanoBe was founded with one idea in mind: to bring together great minds that embrace innovation as second nature and also like to be a part of a great team, in which we discuss openly and support each other. Needless to say, we were very excited to find out that our vision has been incorporated and transformed into values applied daily within the company.

Looking forward to the future, the road ahead has more focus. Having written down and acknowledged our values publicly we find ourselves walking on a path with refreshed spirits and brand new motivation. As a group, we decided that these values will be periodically revised and certainly we will make sure to introduce this in our recruitment and induction program. Also, we hope that sharing this information will help our partners better understand our culture. Finally, we hope to encourage you, the reader, to pursue this road of discovery within your company, and of course, we recommend FeedbackStreet as a trusted partner in this journey.